Fiction Word Counts 📚

Hello color fonts! I'd forgotten blogger had it, lol. So here I am - using my favorite color! 💜

Just sitting here crocheting a new bag and having bookish ideas...

TO NOVEL OR NOT TO NOVEL, THAT IS THE QUESTION. Not every story is a novel. Every story has its own size. There's novels, novellas, novelettes, and short stories. If you look up the word count for each you'll find different answers. 

So I'll add my rough opinion:

Novels: 40,000 words and above

Novellas: 20,000 to 40,000 words

Novelettes: 10,000 to 20,000 words

Short stories: below 10,000 words 

Myself, I like writing novelettes best. It's shorter to write but still a chunk of a story to read. I'm thinking a good mystery falls into the size of novelettes. 📚
